Luleå On Ice
22–25 februari 2024. Have an ice day!
Dance show!
During Luleå On Ice, the Dance Initiative invites you to the dance performance and live concert "Where the dust settles"
Friday, February 22 and Saturday, February 23
Where the dust settles:
With great skill, awareness and clarity. High tempo and powerful movements. A dancer and a musician on stage. Dim light, fluorescent lights, Dust.
Stir up dust. Stir up events and things in life. Tear up emotions. If the dust is never allowed to settle, we risk getting stuck in the same pattern. Where the dust settles can be about letting the dust settle, gaining insight into oneself and the courage to dare to change.
It's about the people. It's always about the people.
When the dust settles…
Dance: Linn Lindström
Music: David Björkén