Luleå On Ice
22–25 februari 2024. Have an ice day!
Swedish Yukigassen 2025
Yukigassen is a Japanese sport in the form of a snowball fight. It is a game between two teams of seven players each. The game is played on a field with certain dimensions, and the winner is determined by rules made by the Japan Yukigassen Federation Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.. It is similar to the American concept of “capture the flag”. The winning team is the one that manages to capture the opponent’s flag or eliminate all opponents by hitting them with snowballs. The players wear special yukigassen helmets with face shields, and a certain number of snowballs (90) are made in advance for each match.
During Luleå On Ice, MAkt from LTU will organize the Swedish Yukigassen 2025 on the ice right next door. There, the winner will have the opportunity to go to Kemijärvi, Finland and be part of the European Championships in Yukigassen. MAkt is an activities committee under the Mechanical Engineering Section at LTU. They organize activities and events for students at LTU.
Yukigassen was founded in 1988 at Mt. Showa-Shinzan in Japan. It is a Japanese form of snowball fighting where two teams, each with ten players, compete against each other. Four attackers, three defenders and two reserves, led by a team captain. A team wins the match by reaching the opposing team's flag on the other side of a 10 x 36 meter field, or by hitting all opponents with snowballs. The only protection against snowballs is the built-up snow walls or your own snowballs. Each match is divided into three sets, each lasting 3 minutes. To win a match, a team must win 2 sets. The matches are therefore played in a "best of three" format.

During Luleå On Ice you are all welcome to watch a very entertaining and fun tournament.
The competition takes place on the ice where the tour boats dock in the summer.
Game schedule:
• Friday 21/2: Group play at 17:00-19:30
• Saturday 22/2: Group play at 10:00-13:30
• Saturday 22/2: Playoffs 14:00-15:30
• Saturday 22/2: Final and award ceremony 15:45